Re: async io?

Dan Kegel (
Fri, 07 May 1999 17:04:44 +0000

Alan Cox wrote:
> > you associate a signal to an fd using the F_SETSIG ioctl. ...
> > [but] you can't tell what the signal means, i.e. whether
> > the socket is now ready for reading, or for writing.
> You don't need to. Real time signals carry data - in this case the file
> handle

The signal's data contains *only* the file descriptor -- but you need

You can tell which fd the signal refers to, but not
whether the fd is ready for reading or writing
(unless you do a poll() on it after getting the signal,
which adds another system call I'd rather avoid).

Wouldn't it make sense to have three different signals associated
with each fd, corresponding to the three different FD_SETs returned
by select()? (Or maybe four, one for 'new connection'.)
aio_ lets you do this, but F_SETSIG doesn't, I think.

I know, you can probably get by guessing what the fd is ready
for, but it seems kludgy.
- Dan

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