Re: Are there any tools which can convert linux shell script files into binary executing file?

Dominik Kubla (
Wed, 19 May 1999 20:44:50 +0200

On Tue, May 18, 1999 at 10:42:10AM +0800, hechengdong wrote:
> :.˛mkabzwmb˛mbz_^nrzh&zvy杶ii

Well i can only answer your subject not the content of your mail (Is that
encrypted or just chinese text?). And the answer is: _NO_! Why should there
be one anyway? If you need a script use a scripting language, if you need a
binary program - for whatever reason - use a programming languange.

Dominik Kubla

BTW. Your question was totally unrelated to linux-kernel, please use a more
appropriate forum like linux-newbie or one of the comp.os.linux.* forums
for these inquiries.

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