IPX as module doesn't work

Borek Lupomesky (Borek.Lupomesky@ujep.cz)
Mon, 24 May 1999 10:10:56 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

It seems that when I compile IPX support as a module, it cannot be
inserted into kernel:

rethymno:~# depmod -ae
/lib/modules/2.2.9/misc/ipx.o: unresolved symbol(s)

It works when it is compiled in, though.

Bye Borek


===================================================================== BOREK LUPOMESKY, network administrator University of J. E. Purkyne WWW: http://www.ujep.cz/~lupomesk/ Ceske mladeze 8 IRCnet: Borek @ #usti Usti nad Labem, 40096 talk: borek@rethymno.ujep.cz The Czech Republic PGP keyid: 298F8888 tel: +420-602-376368 ==========[ MIME/ISO-8859-2 & PGP encrypted mail welcome ]===========

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