Re: Capabilities done right [diff against 2.3.1]

Fred Reimer (
Tue, 25 May 1999 12:02:33 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: David Luyer <>
To: Simon Richter <>
Cc: Bernd Eckenfels <>; <>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: Capabilities done right [diff against 2.3.1]

> > SIGCAP should be catchable IMHO. A program should be able to articulate
> > why it doesn't work (I've spent the WE debugging lpd, it has useful
> > debugging messages as "Job transfer failed" even with -D10.)
> What I was saying is, if you kill things with a signal when capabilities
> fail, this signal should default to killing the process. Then
> non-capability-aware stuff would just die when someone tried tricks on it.
> Not the best behaviour, but possibly preferable. I don't know if the
> behaviour is a signal or simply to fail syscalls with permission denied.
> David.

Why not both? Why not return the syscall with failure (and appropriate
error code) AND send a signal. Signals are supposed to be async right? The
signal handler, for those cap aware future apps, could flip a flag that they
program can check after getting the failed syscall for more capability
specific information. Is this not doable? Or is it, just not desirable?


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