Re: [patch] TCP/IP delacks disabled with MPI

David S. Miller (
Wed, 26 May 1999 18:55:10 -0700

Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 16:34:17 -0400
From: Josip Loncaric <>

BTW, there are other timeout values which can and should be changed
for clusters using TCP_NODELAY sockets (e.g. the full second
retransmit timer when sh->users is set and another seldom used 30
second partial packet timer).

The partial packet timer is a 2.0.x vestige, it no longer exists in

Look, face it, parallel processing and clustering are still
"uninteresting" in the standard kernel. And I think such a small
group of users can live with special local TCP/networking changes in a
"beowulf" type package, in fact they already do.

We try hard not to put changes in which handle a special small group
of users who have special needs that no-one else has, this is the road
to bloat and unmaintainable code. I am, however, not arguing that at
some point clustering will be more central and mainstream
(ie. common), but this isn't the case right now.

On the other hand, I know that many of your observations will help us
improve Linux/TCP generically and for all users, not just cluster

David S. Miller

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