Local loopback mounts (RFD)

Jan Kasprzak (kas@informatics.muni.cz)
Mon, 31 May 1999 05:44:49 +0200

Hello all,

I think the Linux dentry mechanism can allow us to have
loopback mounts faster and more effective than NFS mount from Note
that symlinks are not generally usable for this purpose: for example
in chrooted environments where you want to have the same directory
available in multiple such sub-trees.

I have been thinking about it a bit and I have created a simple
filesystem loopfs, in which you can do

# mkdir /some/directory /another/directory
# mount -t loopfs /some/directory /another/directory
# mkdir /some/directory/penguins
# touch /another/directory/penguins/tux
# ls /some/directory/penguins

The loopfs_read_super() just creates the root dentry and points
its dentry->d_inode to the inode of the target directory. This has the
advantage that both /some/directory and /another/directory works with
same inodes, so file locks works properly, open(O_EXCL) works properly, etc.

I want to ask you whether the new pseudo-filesystem is the right
interface to have. Or should we do someting completely different (e.g. extend
ext2fs to support non-tree topology, or do the same thing at the VFS layer,
but not using mountpoints. What do you think about it?


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at fi.muni.cz>       http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/
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