Re: [PATCH] {asm-i386,linux}/string.h:Adjustments for **NOT** usinggcc
Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:37:26 +0200

> Giacomo Amabile Catenazzi <> said:
> > This patch (to linux-2.3.4) fixes:
> > 1- Force the compiler not to use the builtin (in compiler) str* and mem*
> > function, by rename it with preprocessor
> > NOTE: I have modified more function that actually need.
> Not needed, if the <linux/string.h> header is included whereever needed.

My test with strcmp (wich is buitin) with gcc- and egcs-1.1.2
if compiler found strcmp, use internal buitin, also if I've declared
a strcmp inline.
strlen instead, seem to check if there are an inline function, before
use the strlen-builtin. (strlen is builtin only on egcs).

Also with gcc- Horst von Brand PATCH do nothing (the funtions are
already builtin)

Giacomo Catenazzi

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