Re: Announce: kHTTPd 0.1.0

David S. Miller (
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 08:56:12 -0700

Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:56:02 +0100 (BST)
From: Tigran Aivazian <tigran@sco.COM>

Just an idea - would it be possible, instead of having to manually
insmod khttp (and keep it loaded all the time which defeats the
purpose of it being a module rather than in the kernel), to modify
the networking code which accepts the connection request and does a
request_module("serve-tcp-port-80") (with alias serve-port-80
khttpd) to load your khttpd automagicaly?

This could be useful in the future when more inkernel network
servers are written.

No thanks. First it'd be in one of the hottest paths in the kernel,
and secondly the kernel should make no policy like this on server
startup. The system administrator explicity starts up httpd now, and
he can continue to do so in his startup scripts, only now httpd will
insert the kernel side httpd module.

David S. Miller

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