Re: Profanity in the Linux Kernel?!?!?

Kai Henningsen (
12 Jun 1999 17:29:00 +0200

rhw@MemAlpha.CX (Riley Williams) wrote on 11.06.99 in <>:

> >> - * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-)

> Did Linus write that comment? To me, it looks far more like a comment
> added by somebody else to describe his/her opinion of Linus's tweaking
> Wirzenius's code...

I don't *know*, of course - but that sure looks like a very typical *kind*
of comment that's often put somewhere as a disclaimer.

"Any remaining errors are mine" is a variant I've often seen in books,
right after mentioning someone who helped.

MfG Kai

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