egcs-1.1.2 ping bug also causes miscompilation of pcbit isdn drive

Thomas Pornin (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:02:00 +0200

In article <> you write:
> I can't, but I'm getting a bit confused by here. IIRC, the standard
> also says that comparing pointers to objects which are not part of the same
> array is undefined. So what does `addresses that increase' mean?

It means that you can define:

struct bla {
int x;

struct blu {
int x;
float y;

and then use a pointer to a struct blu as if it was a pointer to a
struct bla. This trick is useful on very large project, where you want
to enhance some structures and test the code without recompiling every
code that uses such structures (somehow...).

Therefore, also ANSI C does not require any thing such as a ram, people
who implement a C compiler on a real machine should preserve the
ordering and padding of the fields in structures independantly of the
following fields.

--Thomas Pornin

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