Re: The stability crisis

Aaron Tiensivu (
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 20:34:00 -0400

> Linux 2.2.36 was a very stable kernel. I have never experianced a crash
> with it. However, this does not at all hold true for the 2.2.x series.

If and when 2.2.36 is released, I'm sure it will be very stable.
Actually, 2.2.10 has proven to be golden to me.

> During the initial stage of the 2.2 series, it was pretty darn stable. I
> got about 60 days of uptime out of 2.2.1 until a power failure or a need
> to mess with hardware or something. (Actually, now I think it was a hard
> lockup). Back then we knew that 2.2 was not at all as stable as 2.0.36,
> but we knew it would mature.

Ever consider hardware failure due to power spike or something along those
lines? Have you tried 2.2.1 on the same hardware? If anything, we'd like
to know when things stopped working correctly and if the hardware involved
is "known good".. there is a data corruption bug running around that
people have bumped into but I can't reproduce it. It looks like it is quota
related anyway.

> Linus waited a few months to open the 2.3 branch. A lot of untested
> patches were making it into the 2.2 series! People like me breathed a sigh

Only one I can think of is the 2.2.8 fiasco and I agree with that was a bit

> But that was only half right. Linus decided to hasten the release of 2.4
> to "in the fall", and all of the developers jumped onto the 2.3 kernel,
> leaving us with a stable kernel which is totally inadequate.

2.0 was maintained while 2.1 continued on. Same thing will happen here.

> excuding MacOS. During the past _week_ I have had three oopsen using
> kernel 2.2.9 and 2.2.10. I have never had an oops before this week with
> the exception of Linux on platforms where the ports are excusabe immature

Hmm.. well, reporting them is a step in the right direction and not going
off on everyone that is here to help.

> All the attention has shifted to 2.3. Most people as well as benchmarkers
> are using 2.2.10. Helloo??? This is a perfect time for Microsoft to spread
> FUD since the "stable" branch of Linux is far less stable than even

I'm sure a pre-2.2.11 will show up soon. Not all effort has been shifted to
2.3. Some of the 'interesting' stuff is happening in 2.3 but 2.2 has been
rock solid for me even in pre- form.

> Maybe Alan Cox should voulenteer to maintain 2.2 :). He did a great job
> with 2.0.

Alan has a lot on his plate.. you should check out his AC patches though.

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