Re: The stability crisis

Peter Mutsaers (
01 Jul 1999 21:24:46 +0200

>> "AL" == Aaron Lehmann <> writes:

AL> I think one of the kernel developers (Alan Cox?) rejected
AL> bugzilla for the kernel. Is a bug database going to be
AL> integrated into BitKeeper?

Why not just use GNATS and CVS, which are available now? They seem
adequate for *BSD. B.t.w. using FBSD -current as well, I must say that
somehow they do manage to have the development branch (4.0) with lots
of innovation going on stay rock solid, let alone the official -stable
branch (which gets lots of backports of fixes and safe improvements
from -current).

I really like Linux features, good hardware support etc but I think it
is such a pity it doesn't try to borrow a bit more from the good
things of other free projects.

Peter Mutsaers |  Abcoude (Utrecht), | Trust me, I know  |  the Netherlands    | what I'm doing. 

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