Re: Can't sleep less than 20 ms

Dong Liu (
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 23:22:56 -0700

Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
> > I know Linux on i386 has a timer resolution of 10 ms, but
> > why I can't sleep for 10 ms, I can only sleep at
> > interval of 20 , 30, 40 ... ms.
> >
> > This what happpends
> >
> > usleep ( <= 10*1000) will sleep for 20 ms
> > usleep ( <10*1000 <= 20*1000) will sleep for 30 ms
> > usleep ( <20*1000 <= 30*1000) will sleep for 40 ms
> >
> > I'm runing 2.2.10.
> I notice your address is What about winmodem docs? If you
> promise to give one copy to me, than I'll tell you: set HZ in
> include/asm/param.h to 1000 and recompile kernel. It should make it 2ms
> instead of 20 ms.
> Pavel

Lucent is such a big company, I have no idea which group/department
is responsible for the winmodem stuff :=(. I promise I'll ask around
see if I can come cross the right people and relay linux community's


BTW, the date in your mail is Jan 1. 1990, some feature of mailer :=)

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