Re: nice troll (was: All this resource-fork AKA multiple stream nonsense)

Jamie Lokier (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:26:51 +0200

Horst von Brand wrote:
> The kernel is a bit on the largeish side, granted. But "pasting source into
> the kernel" is what this list is supposed to be about...

Heh, I see it now. The new drag-n-drop protocol supports Linus dragging
patches from Pine onto his linux tree. Sometimes his finger slips when
he's dragging duds to the trashcan: thus they get in. (Once in they're
in). The new filesystem ensure the kernel is rebuilt when he next opens
/usr/src/linux (unless it's Emacs -- that checks for a directory first).
Typing /usr/src/linux on the command line locates the "default" file,
which leads to the sound of Leeenus "My name is Leeenus Torvalds" audio
playing over an xbill active desktop. Each Bill is a directory but
looks like a file. "Unlinking" the last Bill is impossible due to the
user-immutable bit. The mouse is really a gnome and todays Pine tree is
full of trolls.

...yes I'm tired...
have a nice day :-)
-- Jamie

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