Sven Heursch (
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:28:14 +0200


I have a problem with the real-time priorities. In Linux 2.0.36 this
priorities are used well, in Linux 2.2.3 the kernel isn't interested in
these priorities. I have try that with these lines of codes :

p = (psched_param)malloc(sizeof(const struct sched_param));
p->sched_priority = 99; // 30 for the other process

if(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, p) != 0) {

Could it be that the scheduler in the kernel 2.2 has problems with the
priority based scheduling algorithm SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR.
The verification was made with two concurrent running processes with the
real time priorities 30 and 99.
Normaly the higher one should be scheduled first. But in Linux 2.2 that
do not happend evereytime.

S. Heursch

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