Re: kernel thread support - LWP's

Linus Torvalds (
19 Jul 1999 01:45:18 GMT

In article <>,
Alon Ziv <alonz@cs.Technion.AC.IL> wrote:
>I remember someone (David Wragg <>) once mentioned another
>new flag idea: a CLONE_SIBLING flag, which will mean that if the new
>thread does a clone() the new thread will get the same ppid of the parent.
>This (together with the redefinition of the manager thread, above) will
>mean that all of the threads report directly to the manager, and any
>thread may create another thread _without_ communicating to the manager
>(it just creates a new sibling).

This sounds like a Good Idea(tm).

It's also a lot more straightforward as a concept than is the notion of
CLONE_PID, which never got really implemented because it has a ton of
subtle issues (I think that CLONE_PID will basically always just remain
useful for the initial kernel threads, and what pthreads needs in
addition to the CLONE_SIBLING flag is a CLONE_SIGNALS thing).


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