Re: real-time threaded IO with low latency (audio)
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 10:01:48 -0600

On Sat, Jul 24, 1999 at 09:11:31AM -0400, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> audio applications that require RTL don't interest me. its just not
> the kind of system i want to use. that might change over time.

Why not? [market research, Linux style]

> pthreads (perhaps not, if you use an event-driven model)


> disk i/o

What do you want here? The interesting problem is reading from a disk at a
fixed rate, e.g. for display of video or for sound, but this seems
like a buffering problem more than anything else. Writing data is only
a buffering problem. You are almost always better using a smart very
much non-rt file/ i/o system that does reordering, block aggregation,
extents, .... than going to raw hardware.

In RTL we do:
RT task passes request to Linux process: either waits or does not
Linux process does i/o

I can trivially implement an "I/O daemon" that will make this transparent, if there is a need.

> possibly shared memory stuff

On the way. Next week probably.

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