Re: RealMagic DVD-cards

B.W. McAdams (
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 16:14:01 -0400

[apologises to those of you on both lists- you probably got this twice. I just
realised i sent to the wrong list]

Having just gotten a DVD player for my system which came with a Sigma Hollywood
Plus (ugh - another reason to keep windows on my box), I would definitely have
an interest in seeing someone get it working in Linux.

I'd offer to do it myself, but I must admit my C is pretty subpar and rusty,
and I have no experience writing device drivers. However if someone would
undertake the project I'd be willing to offer what help i can.

Although I guess we would still need DVD Player software for linux once the
card was driven.
Anyone know if theres a project out there to write a Software based DVD Player?


Brendan W. McAdams                   | H: (305)859-2181        
Programmer/Systems Administrator  | W: (305)377-2880 
Plexus InterActive                  	  |

"Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it. " -- Robert A. Heinlein

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Hirsim{ki Mika wrote: Hi,

Has anyone tried getting programming specifications for RealMagic MPEG decoding boards from Sigma Designs (

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Brendan W. McAdams                   | H: (305)859-2181        
Programmer/Systems Administrator  | W: (305)377-2880 
Plexus InterActive                  	  |

"Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it. " -- Robert A. Heinlein

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