Re: Problems with Sym53c8xx on Alpha with 2.2.1[12] kernels

Gerard Roudier (
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 20:56:58 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Paul Slootman wrote:

> In article <> Alan Cox wrote:
> >> FYI this problem is still there in 2.2.11 (and in patch-2.2.12pre7);
> >> I tripped over this last night. Do you still have those patches queued?
> >
> >They should have been fixed by the 2.2.12 alpha updates. If not then let
> > know.
> I just verified that I still have this problem with 2.2.12-final.
> The symptom:
> sym53c8xx: 53c810a detected
> sym53c810a-0: rev=0x11, base=0xa000000, io_port=0x9800, irq=28
> sym53c810a-0: ID=7, Fast-IO, Parity Checking
> CACHE TEST FAILED: script exection failed
> start=80292d08, pc=80292d08, end=80292d28

The DMA area is supposed to start at 1GB as seen from the BUS but the bus
addresses above (start, pc and end) are beyond 2 GB. If your machine has
less than 1 GB, then it is quite abnormal.

In earlier versions both dma base and size were 1GB. Only the dma size has
been changed to 2GB but not the dma base.

There is some dubious section in core_cia.h that seems to confuse dma base
and dma size. If it is so, this just break virt_to_bus() translations and
explains the breakage and the offending bus addresses above as well:

You should give a try to the below simple changes (do it by hand):

#define CIA_DMA_WIN_BASE alpha_mv.dma_win_base
#define CIA_DMA_WIN_SIZE alpha_mv.dma_win_size

By the way, the core_pyxis stuff seems fine in this regard.

> sym53c810a-0: giving up...
> My system:
> Alpha XLT-300 (Alcor)
> I boot with MILO in case it matters.
> If I replace core_cia.c and core_cia.h with the one in 2.2.5, everything
> works fine (as it has for years).
> Alan Cox was under the impression that this had been fixed in 2.2.11 or
> at least in 2.2.12, but in my case (cia) it hasn't (I've heard reports of
> someone with a pyxis system where it _was_ in fact fixed).
> I'm happy to test out any patches you may have for this (weekdays I'm
> near my Alpha).


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