Re: Anti-SPAM Suggestion...

Mike A. Harris (
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 21:34:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

> > A sort of 'half-subscription' option for people who post to
> > linux-kernel, but don't want to receive linux-kernel email
> > (people with more than one email address who are already
> > subscribed on one especially).
>I have about a dozen places where I can RECEIVE email, and my postings
>could come from any of them, but I have set them all up to show the
>same FROM address when I SEND emails out. As a result, I can see no
>need to support more than one email address per person.

No need for it if everyone uses PINE 4.10 with the "Roles"
feature. But if you use Netscape or most other mailers, you're
stuck with one of:

1) Changing your outgoing email address in 'edit-preferences'
ever time you wish to post to l-k, and remembering to do so too.

2) Using 2 or more Netscape "user profiles" which means you have
to grind your world to a complete and total halt, quit netscape,
and restart it as a different user profile, which also has it's
own folders, etc...

3) Use 2 different email programs, one for l-k, and one for other
lists, etc..

4) Use 2 different computers, and mailers.

IMHO, not everyone uses PINE (but I do). Forcing someone to use
2 profiles is a pain in the ass - AND not everyone uses NS
either. Other mailers exist, but no-one is going to switch from
the mailer that they use right now for ANY reason, so even
suggesting it is futile. 3 is covered by the above statement,
and 4 isn't feasible for most people either. No way in hell I'd
manually edit my preferences each time to change outgoing "From:"
just for one list - it would be too easy to forget, and send out
a mail to some customer or something with my other email address.

I personally cant see how any changes made to the list are NOT
going to inconvenience a LOT of people.

>For reference, look at the headers of this email. You should see
>something like the following:
> Q> From: Riley Williams <rhw@MemAlpha.CX>
> Q> X-Sender:
>The first line states the email address I wish to be known as, and the
>second states the account I actually used to send that particular

So what stops someone from setting:


That would be bad for sure! Remember also that any solution that
someone comes up with, if it allows ANY way of letting an invalid
post into the list, then we might as well keep it the same as it
is. Tightening things up like other lists will cut off a lot of
the core traffic from l-k thus making it a less useful list.
Kiss bug reports goodbye from a lot of people.

Just some thoughts...

Take care Riley!

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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