Re: AIX disclaim() or Tru64 madvise (MADV_DONTNEED) needed

Christoph Rohland (
20 Aug 1999 23:02:04 +0200

Jan Vroonhof <> writes:

> Christoph Rohland <> writes:
> > You can not use file descriptors for shared memory since they sync to
> > file on unmap. This would be possible if we had shm_open which
> > implements shared memory with the normal fd/mmap/unmap syntax.
> Are you implying that it would suffice if you could use MAP_SHARED of
> /dev/zero and/or MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS style shared memory?

No /dev/zero or MAP_ANONYMOUS does not allow unmap and remap after
fork. We definitely would need shm_open.

> If so, there is (or was) a patch for doing this for Linux (look for
> shmfs). It seems to me like a nice feature for 2.3
> See
> (It was even designed explicitly for shm_open)

Yes I know about shmfs and once tried it. But I did not hear about any
progress for some while and feature freeze for 2.4 is coming. So I
decided to go for the disclaim feature.


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