Re: Why no response to my patches ?

Guest section DW (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 16:49:53 +0200 (MET DST)

> [PATCH] Select root-fs by UUID or label

I have mixed feelings about such a patch.
Am too lazy to elaborate.

> [PATCH] /proc/partitions show startings sectors

I didnt like this patch.
The existence of /proc/partitions is important.
Without it one could not reasonably support
mounting by label or UUID.
But now that we have it, changing the format is harmful;
there should be a very good reason for doing that.
And showing starting sectors is not so essential.
Nobody wants to know them.
A utility with a 10-line source would print /proc/partitions
with an additional starting sector column.
Also, e.g., "hdparm -g device" will give you this.

> Can I at least have a "Your patches suck , go away !" ?

Should everybody complain as soon as he disagrees with
anything? The linux-kernel list would explode.
Generally the people maintaining various source trees
are discerning enough to weed out most bloat.


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