Re: Streaming disk I/O: don't use raw, limit bufs per

Helge Hafting (
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 01:24:37 +0200

> > We solved a similar problem by limiting the buffering per device/partition to
> > a subset of the buffer cache (75%, tunable), rather than hacking in raw
> > devices.
> This, I think, is definitely the right kind of approach to take.
Maybe the per-device limit is easy to implement, but otherwise it seems
arbitrary to me. People usually do io on files, not devices. So
a per-file limit seems better to me.
The per-device limit is no good for the common case of having only
one device, and also fails with multiple devices when only one is
in use for a while.

> Linus "raw IO - just say no" Torvalds
I agree to that one, but I don't think the per-device thing will
do much good. How about some hash function that groups the
cached files, and limiting each group to 75% or so? This will
work with one-disk machines too.

Helge Hafting

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