RE: PUBLIC CHALLENGE: (was RE: devfs again, (was RE: USB device a

Gerhard Mack (
Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:38:45 +0000 ( )

I am not happy with serval people on this one. Name calling on one side
misinformation on the other. I see a few people trying to have an actuall
technical discution but overall this is the flame war it usually is.


On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Gorky wrote:

> I suspect I am not the only one who has been entirely put off to devfs by
> the behaviour of Shawn Leas. The kernel is a technical issue, and this
> should be a technical mailing list. Shawn has turned devfs into a pissing
> contest. The only argument for devfs that seems to have come out of this
> is "You don't have to use it!" Unfortunately, it affects too much of the
> code for that. Shawn's arguments remind me of a Usenet argument I had
> once in which I got so carried away with the argument that I just kept
> making sweeping statements regarding something about which I was
> completely ignorant. I look back on that now and feel like a moron. I'd
> like to see a good technical discussion of devfs instead of this crap.
> -gorky
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<>< As a computer I find your faith in technology amusing.

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