(no subject)

Ph. Marek (marek@bmlv.gv.at)
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:52:48 +0200

10:43am up 12 days, 2:00, 1 user, load average: 2.30, 2.51, 3.17
26 processes: 25 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 0.3% user, 3.0% system, 0.0% nice, 96.7% idle
Mem: 31128K av, 30852K used, 276K free, 520K shrd, 652K buff
Swap: 66524K av, 6760K used, 59764K free 1512K cached

2.2.10 International Kernel, ibm ISA-TR-Card & Olicom Ethernet 2327
Running ipchains, squid 2.2.STABLE4, inetd, cron.
no raid.

Why is it idle and has such a high load average??

system is very slow. pings are 80ms, >200 if telnet has network traffic

what can be the cause?

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