Re: Running out of Unix98 PTYs in 2.2.13pre14

A Guy Called Tyketto (
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:23:52 -0700

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:16:14AM +1000, Warwick Mitchell wrote:
> I'm also running Debian potato but am not seeing the same problems. I'm
> primarly in X though, using Eterms. When I close one, and reopen a new one
> I get the old PTY.
> Warwick

I hate to jump on the bandwagon and say that 'it works for me', but It
does indeed work for me. I'm using xterm, pl108, and rxvt. Dist is Slackware
4.0. just opened up 16 xterms, 4 rxvt windows, logged out, or forcibly killed
them all, started a new xterm (these are all compiled with PTY support), and
got pts/0.


Brad Littlejohn                         | Email: 
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