Re: Kernel OSS vs ALSA

Zach Brown (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 18:29:12 -0400 (EDT)

> > * OSS exposes internals, there should to be a mid-layer lib in userspace
> Which internals ?

its not so much OSS's fault that app writers are expected to do all the
lame ioctl()s and such rather than calling through a nice library.

mmap() is my current beef, to use stereo low latency stuff on the maestro
one might want to use mmap() but would then have to know that the maestro
doesn't like LRLR encoded data. Were that implemented through a library..

I'm hoping to pay some attention to alsa soon. my main aim is to make the
kernel side nice and get it into the development kernels. when that
happens it will get some real attention.

-- zach

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