Re: Intel E1000 server gig-card?

Jeremy Fitzhardinge (
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:42:16 -0700 (PDT)

On 25-Oct-99 Steven Roberts wrote:
> Only thing to remember is that you technically can't go back (i.e. you
> can go from BSD to GPL, but not from GPL to BSD). Not to say going back
> to BSD doesn't happen. Of course most folks don't care as long as it
> stays in the OpenSource community (I have seen it and based on some
> comments from ESR recently he has seen it to).

You can't change the license on the code. If you use freer than GPL code as
part of a GPL source base, you can distribute the whole lot as GPL. You can
still distribute the non-GPL code under its non-GPL license if you extract it
from the GPL source base. If someone modifies the non-GPL code, they create a
derivative work which is still covered by the original license. You can't add
a patch to non-GPL code and declare the patch to be GPL, nor does anyone other
than the copyrigth holder have the right to change the license.


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