Re: NFS/RPC problems w/ 2.2.12 + a feature suggestion for NFS/remounting

Steven N. Hirsch (
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 09:02:38 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Guest section DW wrote:

> I've got umount from mount-2.9u-4_nfsv3_0.3, and umount -f has never
> worked for me either. With a single shell whose pwd is in the mounted
> directory, I get the following error:
> umount2: Device or resource busy
> umount: /tmp/mnt: device is busy
> Having said that, Red Hat 6.1's shutdown script kills programs using the
> mount point, and then umounts OK, but umount -f by itself is definitely
> not enough.
> There can be local reasons and remote reasons that the umount fails.
> The purpose of umount2 is to force the umount in case the remote system
> is not responding. It will not force anything if the local kernel still
> uses the mount.

Yes, but if the remote system is not responding and the local process
using the mount is stuck in IO wait, you're basically stalemated. I've
never been able to kill a process in this state.

This, I think, is what I'm running into.


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