where in /proc/<pid> to put new stuff?

Borislav Deianov (borislav@lix.polytechnique.fr)
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 17:42:13 +0100


In my hierarchical fair CPU scheduler (link below) I need to publish
some extra information for each process (the number of the leaf node
it belongs to). I guess this should go in /proc/<pid> somewhere, but
where exactly? Right now I add an extra line to /proc/<pid>/status so
it looks like this:

Name: tcsh
State: S (sleeping)
Pid: 620
PPid: 618
PNode: 1 <--------------
Uid: 6404 6404 6404 6404
Gid: 6400 6400 6400 6400

What is the correct place to put this in order to make integration
with procps easier? Also, should I have this info available in a
system call or is the /proc interface enough?

Thanks for any comments,

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