Re: slightly OT::shadow file..

Tim Walberg (
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:46:13 -0600

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On 11/16/1999 12:04 -0500, Arni Raghu wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> This is slightly OT but I thought only u kernel folks can answer this
>> better::
>> Hi,
>> I am just playing with the shadow file (after making copies :) and teh c=
>> command..
>> Here is a simple sequence that I perform..::
>> useradd testme
>> passwd testme :: (passwd entered is testme2)
>> then look into the shadow file and see::
>> testme:$1$hI.ost8u$XZNxiISsD2ZuOrb6/Td3a/:10910:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134537888
>> then using a simple perl script..I do $passwd =3D crypyt("testme2","$1");
>> But the passwd I get is not the same as the one encoded in teh shadow
>> file...
>> what is going on..I thought using the passwd and the salt I should be
>> getting back to the same encrypted passwd..why is this happening..
>> something silly..???

It's been a while since I've looked at this, but IIRC, the salt in this
case should be "$1$hI.ost8u$", not "$1"... the "$1$" identifies to the
crypt function to use the MD5 algorithm, rather than the DES variant, the
"hI.ost8u" portion is the actual salt, followed by another "$" terminator.
Using a salt string that does not start with "$1$" results in the legacy
DES variant crypt functionality.

I may not have gotten that all right, but it should give you someplace
to start - peruse the libc source for more details...


| Tim Walberg | Phone: 847-782-2472 |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX: 847-623-1717 |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway | |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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