Re: AVL trees vs. Red-Black trees

Gerard Roudier (
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 23:25:16 +0100 (MET)

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Ingo Molnar wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Gerard Roudier wrote:
> > > basically we need no serializing instructions at all, because Intel
> >
> > May-be, unless you need to flush all buffered writes to memory.
> ? Unless this is PCI synchronization (which is a completely different
> matter, outside the scope of the CPU), there is no need to flush anything
> to memory, it's just as good in the cache (or in the CPU's store buffer)

By the way, this is the wording of 'Intel docs'. ;-)
They wrote 'flush to memory', but one must understand 'flush to cache (or
memory)' for the reason that when a STORE goes to the cache then memory
coherency is maintained by the cache protocol among processors.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I _obviously_ meant flush to cache and
also had in mind this wording and nothing else.

By the way, I _maintain_ my remark (with the wording fix) since
serialization may be used to flush write buffers to cache for other
processors to be aware of writes.

> as anywhere else.


PS: PCI appears less relevant that a Christmas Tree in this context
given the subject of this thread. ;-)

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