Re: PATCH for 2.3.29: block device setup cleanup.

Alan Cox (
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 12:45:46 +0000 (GMT)

> Yes I'm still revolvig around the kdev_t problem and this is one of
> *many*
> migration steps, which will unfortunately have to touch neraly every
> single "damn"
> block-device driver out there. But there is no good way around this
> without
> making the current "mess" even worser... so one should start as soon as
> possible.

Eric Youngdale has already done most of the work needed for this. Im currently
brutalising his code and attempting to find an SMP lockup. He has driver
specific queues working, the SCSI layer way cleaner (its still uggggly but
its a lot _less_ ugly that it was before)

Once the SMP problems are found and I've run it over a few more controllers
I will send it on to Linus


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