Re: 2.3.30pre1 syscall w/6 args support?

Olaf Titz (
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 15:12:18 +0100

In article <> you write:
> (Linus Torvalds) wrote on 07.12.99 in
> > contain any number of trampolines and/or other data (although I don't
> > really see what static data would ever be that timing-critical).
> Not static data, no. But think about putting some dynamic data there.
> Like, say, some version of user-space readable jiffies. There are some

The obvious candidates would be all those items currently read by
simple syscalls like gettimeofday(), time(), getpid(), getppid(),
getuid(), getgid(), etc. so those operations (where the syscall
overhead strikes most) become simple reads (with an adapted libc).
This would especially rock getpid()-based benchmarks ;-) but also good
for X11 applications, etc. which frequently call gettimeofday().

Perhaps it would even be beneficial to map (parts of?) the task
structure there.


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