Re: Modular fb-devs - unresolved symbols.

Peter Samuelson (
10 Dec 1999 21:50:52 -0600

[Daniel Kobras <>]
> The reason is I have matroxfb compiled as module and as apparently
> only matroxfb has any references to symbols defined in fbcmap.o, the
> linker won't include the fbcmap.o portions of video.a into vmlinux. I
> guess it's not for the first time this sort of problem arises, so
> what's the usual way to work around it?

It would be really nice if there were some easy way for EXPORT_SYMBOL()
to tell the linker "do not repeat *do* *not* GC this".

The only way I can think of is with a macro __export similar to __init
which puts exported symbols in a separate elf section. (So much for
locality.) Then the linker script uses KEEP() on that section. This
would replace the current EXPORT_SYMBOL mechanism, and I don't know
enough about binary formats to know if it could even be gotten to work.
(Asking hackers to use *both* __export *and* EXPORT_SYMBOL would be a
bit much, obviously.) And I haven't even *started* considering what
this might do to genksyms....

Oh well, it was a thought.


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