> On 5 Jan 00, at 15:37, Bill Wendling wrote:
> I realize that CPUs are speeding up at an amazing rate, but being
> in the semiconductor industry, I know that the technology is
> reaching a minimun size because we are approaching atomic
> dimensions. Since speed is not only about power, but how far you
> have to go, an essential factor in increasing speed is to decrease
> the distance you have to go. Then add the fact that most
> motherboards are essentialy a bunch of RF transmission lines, I
> honestly don't see hardware speeding up much more. At 1 Ghz,
> we are talking about waveguides, not wires.
How many times do we need to hear this, see it proven wrong, and then hear
it again. I remember when quantum affects were supposed to make it
impossible to produce chips with features below .35 microns. I remember
seeing a 'proof' that no modem running over normal telephone lines could
exceed about 12,000 bps. I don't know how these problems will be solved or
they would already be solved. But they will be.
> The argument that we won't have to deal with it in xx years sure
> sounds like the same one that got us into Y2K in the first place.
> They say oh, but this is different because.....I don't know that I buy
> into that. It seems to me it is more an issue that 'we have too
> many other problems, and maybe that one will go away before we
> have to deal with it'.
No, it is being recognized and dealt with. We already have the tools to
make our application source code Y2.038K compliant and should be using them.
That then leaves the task of fixing the operating systems and system
libraries. Those tasks are also proceeding on a very reasonable schedule.
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