On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 06:43:17PM -0800, David Schwartz wrote:
> You are making his point, not refuting it. All these things have moved to
> 32-bits where they would previously have been done with 8-bit or 16-bit
> processors. They will likewise move to 64-bits.
Hmm, haven't looked at it from this angle. But the switch to 32bits was
done by necessity and 8/16bit EC are not dead. Look at Zilog, they just
announced a Z80 variant with networking on the chip! So basically the
fundamental critic of his point is still valid: since we don't know yet
how it will be then, the engineering approach is to get all problems that
might happen with current technology out of the way. But sadly that is not
the approach of the software industry. So let's change it where we can...
Hey, another case for OpenSource!
Dominik Kubla
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