Had another crash of SS-10 w quad RTK-625 CPU's and 384MB of RAM
running Apache 1.3.3p3 under Sparc-32 linux 2.2.14 SMP.
spin_lock_irqsave(e8c3066c) CPU#0 stuck at f00c3f10, owner PC(00000000):CPU(0)
spin_lock(f014b49ac) CPU#1 stuck at f002e3d8, owner PC(f002e3d8):CPU(0)
spin_lock(f014b49ac) CPU#2 stuck at f002e3d8, owner PC(f002e3d8):CPU(0)
spin_lock(f014b49ac) CPU#3 stuck at f002e3d8, owner PC(f002e3d8):CPU(0)
>>PC; f00c3f10 <rpc_clnt_sigunmask+30/94> <=====
>>PC; 00000000 Before first symbol
Trace; e8c3066c Before first symbol
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
Trace; 0000000f014b49ac <END_OF_CODE+e112f7648/????>
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
Trace; 0000000f014b49ac <END_OF_CODE+e112f7648/????>
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
>>PC; f002e3d8 <patchme_store_new_current+9c/338> <=====
Trace; 0000000f014b49ac <END_OF_CODE+e112f7648/????>
There are some things in common with the last crash, CPU 0 was stuck
at f00c3f10 in both crashes. CPUs 1, 2, and 3, stuck at f002e3d8 in both
Configuration is same as last two crashes I posted. The above
sequence of messages just prints over and over again about once a second.
In addition to the crashes being less frequent than under 2.2.13, the
pattern is also different. Under 2.2.13, most of the time all of the
CPU's would be hung on spin_lock() mesages and spin_lock_irqsave() would
show up relatively in infrequently. Now one CPU always hung on
spin_lock_irqsave with the other three on spin_lock.
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