Re: Setting up remote console on Linux

From: V Ganesh (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 02:00:35 EST

> documentation talks about setting up a serial console. i am trying to

did you read Documentation/serial-console.txt ?
this is what I've got:
test machine with serial console:

in /etc/rc.d/rc.local (the null modem cable is connected to com2)
stty speed 115200 </dev/ttyS1

in /etc/lilo.conf
        append="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"

the kernel should have been compiled with serial console support.
(you can probably omit the console=tty0, I have it because I've got a monitor
attached as well. I just want to capture oopsen which don't get to syslog)

also make sure gpm and kudzu don't start up.
rm /etc/ once you've done all this, run lilo and reboot.

on the other machine,
in /etc/rc.d/rc.local (cable attached to com2)
stty speed 115200 </dev/ttyS1
(or run it manually)

cat /dev/ttyS1 >>testmachineconsole &
tail -f testmachineconsole

should do the trick.

it's a good idea to first check if the serial line is ok by
echo foobar >/dev/ttyS1 on one side and cat /dev/ttyS1 on the other side.
there's also a procedure for getting lilo to use a serial line. look at
/usr/doc/lilo*/README. I think it only supports upto 38.4 kbps though.


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