OT: vger rejecting messages from mediaone

From: Daniel R. Kegel (dank@alumni.caltech.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 16:40:09 EST

I and many other people can no longer post directly to linux-kernel
from my normal account, as my ISP (mediaone/roadrunner) is blocking
ORBS.ORG's mail relay probes, so ORBS has added mediaone to their
blacklist. security@rr.com informs me they have no intention of
letting ORBS scan their customers, mentioned that above.net is in the
same boat, and pointed me at spam-l@lists.oulu.fi, where this is a
hot topic.

I can see ORBS's point of view; when someone reports an abused mail
relay at one of roadrunner's customers, ORBS now has no way of
checking to see if that mail relay is in fact open.

I'm in the process of switching to another ISP to get around this
problem... other MediaOne/RoadRunner customers might want to
give security@rr.com some feedback on this issue, since he says
he gets fewer than two complaints daily about this.
- Dan

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