RE: vger rejecting messages from mediaone

From: Khimenko Victor (
Date: Sat Jan 15 2000 - 14:38:15 EST

In <000001bf5ebc$9e8a9c90$> David Schwartz ( wrote:

>> I can see ORBS's point of view; when someone reports an abused mail
>> relay at one of roadrunner's customers, ORBS now has no way of
>> checking to see if that mail relay is in fact open.

> ORBS was supposed to be a list of CONFIRMED OPEN mail relays.


> Apparently, they have changed their mission without telling anyone.

Hmm. Are you sure that MediaOne was added to ORBS blacklist ? It's news to me.
Usually blocking ORBS lead to MAPS RBL blacklist, not ORBS blacklist (and it's
MUCH harder to pull out system out of MAPS RBL blacklist :-) So if now they are
adding systems in internal ORBS's blacklist it's RELAXATION of policy not
tightening. Anyway. ORBS does not do ANYTHING above try to send few LEGAL
strings to mailservers with LONG delays. So if you block ORBS you deserve
blocking :-)

>Their web page, "What is ORBS?" says:

> "What is ORBS?
> The short answer: ORBS is a validated database of open mail relays and open
> mail relay output points, accessable via DNS lookup.

> ORBS, or the Open Relay Behaviour-modification System, is a database for
> tracking SMTP servers that have been confirmed to permit third-party relay.
> These servers permit spammers to connect to them from anywhere in the world,
> usually from a modem connection, and then forward the spam to its intended
> victims.

> ORBS is NOT a "black hole" - we do not disseminate routing information
> causing included hosts to be unreachable from portions of the Internet.

> ORBS tracks these systems so that people operating mailservers subscribed to
> our database can block e-mail coming from open relays until such time as
> they are fixed to no longer permit third-party SMTP relay."

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