RE: vger rejecting messages from mediaone

From: Khimenko Victor (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 08:07:55 EST

In <000001bf5f94$578648c0$> David Schwartz ( wrote:

>> > ORBS was supposed to be a list of CONFIRMED OPEN mail relays.
>> Exactly.
>> > Apparently, they have changed their mission without telling anyone.
>> Hmm. Are you sure that MediaOne was added to ORBS blacklist ?
>> It's news to me.

> No, but I am sure that blocks of hosts have been added to the ORBS list
> because their provider chose to block the ORBS probes.

> [snip]
>> ORBS does not do ANYTHING above try to send few LEGAL
>> strings to mailservers with LONG delays. So if you block ORBS you deserve
>> blocking :-)

> That's not the point. The point is that ORBS claims to be a list of
> validated open mail relays, and it's not.

Of course they should do something to make spoofing their bots useless.
Adding such sites to blacklist look good. Perhaps they should add way to
find out what's wrong with particular host: is it relay or is it ORBS
blocking host. I will not use such information (to me rlaying and spoofing
ORBS bots are equil) but someone will.

> It's not supposed to be a list of people who deserve anything in particular.

They are supposed to be list of open relays. The only way to make such list
usefull you MUST do something for peoples who spoof bots. Adding spoofers in
blacklist looks great for me, but perhaps it should be separate list...

> I'm sure if you talk to the people who have chosen to block ORBS, you will
> find that they have their reasons.

And I do not want to hear then then I have my reasons :-) ORBS can not force
anyone to use it.

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