RE: vger rejecting messages from mediaone (mediaone is evil)

From: David Schwartz (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 17:03:14 EST

> > affected. Blackisting ALL ADDRESS SPACE associated with
> > isn't the
> > right way. Let's say the address space in UK is provided for
> > by
> > It now affects your mail personally although the UK itself may have
> Funny you should mention that. Above.nets random firewalling is blocking
> customer sites from generating revenue from several parts of
> the south pacific as well as inconveniencing their customers.
> Alan

        At some point you have to take a stand. The Internet is based upon
cooperation, and the only way that that will continue to work in a world
filled with people who seek to exploit existing cooperation for personal
gain is by the judicious use of ostracism.

        The spammers hate ostracism. The tools of ostracism, such as the RBL, pose
the greatest threat to them. If they, and the ISPs who shelter them, can be
rapidly and effectively cut off, the payoff of spamming drops.

        So the spammers have a clever counterattack. Filtering, they say, is bad.
It hurts you, and it hurts your customers. It violates free speech rights.
It threatens the cooperation that built the Internet. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

        But the fact is, if you want the Internet to continue to be based upon
cooperation, you have to support the ostracism that protects the

        If it inconveniences your customers, oh well. If it causes you to lose
revenue, oh well. But ulimately, it's more important to cut off those who
seek to abuse the Internet. There will be innocent victims, that's just a
fact of life.


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