On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Horst von Brand wrote:
> > my patch has great performance ( 80% with 300 tasks ) with a lot of tasks
> > and low overhead ( 1.5% with 2 tasks ).
> > And my patch has 0.00 optimizations about CPU fetches and Co.
> > IMVHO 1-1.5 % of overhead is a price the we can afford given the performace
> > with many tasks.
> > My patch equals the current implementation with 8 tasks.
> So it is a net loss. This machine here (a personal workstation) has
> typically 1 to 3 running tasks.
> Hondreds of tasks is just not a typical (perhaps even realistic)
> workload.
So it is a net gain on any machine with 8 or more running processes. Pretty
much all of my machines fall in that range and most of them are personal
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