Phillip Ezolt <> writes:
> > Hondreds of tasks is just not a typical (perhaps even realistic)
> > workload.
> Yes it is.
> [...]
> Or a highly threaded application.
didn't Larry McVoy make a point a while back (which relates well to
the IBM paper), that if your application depends on huge numbers of
threads, you're always going to keep bumping up against the scheduler?
a lot of people throw lots of threads at a problem and it can really
be bad design.
in the vast majority of cases, i suspect it's easier and probably
better to redesign the app than redesign the scheduler. that said,
the improvements already done are quite good and needed.
-- ---- Ian Soboroff University of MD Baltimore County To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at
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