RE: Trouble compiling 2.3.39 (also 2.3.40-6) with Athlon support. .

From: Domsalla, Thorsten (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 08:53:36 EST

>> There are two colliding -march compiler options (pentiumpro
>> and i686). make config sets CFLAGS to ... -march=pentiumpro.
>> In arch/i386 there's another Makefile that adds -march=i686
>> to CFLAGS in case of an Athlon system.

> So, what is the correct compiles flags for athlon? Or more
> corrent one.

I deleted the corresponding -march=i686 flag in arch/i686/Makefile
(if PROCESSOR_TYPE=K7 ... ) and compiled the kernel without any
But after reboot and the message "Uncompressing kernel ..."
appearing on screen my system freezes without any further
information (no kernel panic or so).

>> Some of the guys guessed the problem might be my SuSE dist.
>> What distribution do you use?
> Based on redhat, but with latest glibc, egcs etc rpms from

Ha! What I've guessed before. It's not dependend on the dist.
It seems to me, that nobody has tested this configuration before.

Let's wait what will come next ...

Yours, T. J.

T.  J.  D O M S A L L A_________________________________
CRM ERP Interfaces   - The impossible we do immediately.
                     -  Miracles require 24-hour notice.

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