> No, I've finally isolated the problem. My SYSRQ key
> generates
> the make and break codes one after the other without
> waiting for
> the release. In other words, when I press SYSRQ, it
> sends:
> 0x54 0xd4
are you really sure 0xd4 is sent before any other
keyboard event (key press and/or release) ? I mean
if you press alt + sysrq, and hold them down, do the
0x54 code repeat alone, doesn't it repeat, or do the
0x54/0xd4 codes do flip-flop ?
> Yes, I am going to have to modify the code which
> activates SYSRQ.
> It cannot just be a simple key replacement however
> because SYSRQ
> key is the only key with a unique code when ALT is
> held down...
no, hopefully there are other keys such as shift, caps
lock, numlock. What about Alt+CapsLock ? this
combination is never used anywhere. Capslock sends
also try to use Right Alt (Alt GR) instead of left
Mine generates E0 38 instead of 38 alone, and is fully
compatible with SysRQ. Perhaps your SYSRQ will stop
sending release codes with this key pressed.
> So, I need some obscure impossible to do
> accidentally combo like
> you described above. I just need to determine how
> to do it in
> the kernel source without screwing my kernel up.
> ;o)
try it inside vmware on a boot floppy with just your
kernel, it works really fine, but you'll never see how
your keyboard behaves until you give it a real run ;-)
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