Khimenko Victor wrote:
> In <Pine.SOL.3.96.1000131184942.27017A-100000@cdacb> David SelvaKumar ( wrote:
> > hello all,
> > could anybody suggest about Threads implementation which
> > implements the entire POSIX threads std. 1003.1c.i for linux.
> AFAIK there are no such implementation. All REQUIRED things are implemented
> in LinuxThreads from glibc ...
Where can I get more information about the LinuxThread? Specifically
is it implemented by processes sharing the same address space or by
user-level threads?
Also, do you mean there is NO POSIX threads implementation in Linux at
That does not sound right to me, although I have not checked it out
> P.S. This thread does not belond to linux-kernel till there are no working
> implementation with complimentary kernel changes: when such implementation
> will be created talks about adding of kernel changes to mainstream kernel
> can be started... inheritance/ceiling properties should not require kernel
> modifications though...
If threads are implemented as processes sharing the same address space,
we do need to modify kernel to implement priority inheritance.
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