Re: tulip.c broken, old_tulip works - how do I help debugging?

From: root (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 15:13:44 EST

I use the tulip driver also on my Netgear Cards and I don't have a problem
with it. I have had one disconect one time since I've had
the cards and I believe that was due to NFS and the erors I was getting
with it. I use the netgear 310TX (I think) on both machines.

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Jens Benecke wrote:

> Hi,
> I have one of these "NetGear" 10/100MBit PCI ethernet devices. When I use
> the tulip driver, I can connect to my machine normally for some time, but
> after a period of inactivity (minutes, sometimes hours) when I try to
> connect again, the connection is gone. ifconfig eth0 down, rmmod tulip,
> ifconfig eth0 ... up has always solved the problem, but this is not really
> a solution. the old_tulip works for me, for now at least.
> Question: Is there any demand in debugging this or is the tulip knowingly
> broken and this is a known bug? If you want me to debug it, how would I go
> about it?
> --
> _ciao, Jens_______________________________
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