In <00020516513301.00314@svr> moritz ( wrote:
> hello,
> i don't know if this a known bug (i've found nothing about it in older
> messages), but when i try to go online with the 2.3.42 kernel there comes the
> following message:
> --
> /usr/sbin/pppd: This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be
> because
> the PPP kernel module could not be loaded, or because PPP was not
> included in the kernel configuration. If PPP was included as a
> module, try '/sbin/modprobe -v ppp'. If that fails, ckeck t
> --
> that's the full message. and if inculded the PPP not as a module.
> i have tried it an two other systems with the same result.
I can look stupid but do you upgraded pppd to latest version and created
/dev/ppp ?
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